9215 Meyrick Park Trail – Austin, TX 78717
Home: (512) 246-1914      Fax: (512) 697-8790



Expertise in Object Oriented programming with excellent design, debugging, problem-solving, analytical, and organizational skills. Extensive experience in writing commercial applications in both independent and team work environments. Applied specific expertise on large multi-national projects while supporting developers in six countries. Applied expertise in customizing data visualization and other software for clients (geologists, oceanographers, etc.). Consistently recognized for ability to adapt quickly to new environments, learn and apply new skills quickly and accurately, and work well under pressure to meet deadlines. Enthusiastically seeking new challenges and opportunities to apply knowledge to write high quality software.



C, C++, Java, PHP, JavaScript, Perl, HTML, CSS, Assembly Language (Intel x86, Motorola 6502, 6811), Visual Basic.


OS X (Carbon, Quartz), Linux, Unix, Windows.


Matlab, STL, QuickTime, MySQL, Dojo, XCode, Interface Builder, NetBeans, Eclipse, Purify, Quantify, C Coverage, OpenGL, OpenInventor, MasterSuite, Xdesigner, Carnac, Motif, Exceed, Microsoft Visual Studio.


Trained in ISO 9001, RUP, UML.


Attained U.S. citizenship on May 15th, 2006. Fluent in French and English.


Contractor – CODAR Ocean Sensors                                                                          2003‑Present

Software Engineer

Design and develop software for SeaSonde, a suite of applications covering all aspects of ocean monitoring. The software process utilizes many ideas borrowed from Agile software development.

·         Designed and implemented SeaDrift to enable clients to simulate oil spills and help in search and rescue or retrieval missions by creating QuickTime movies. SeaDrift was used to track and predict the extent of the oil spill during the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster. SeaDrift was also used to simulate oil spills in Norway and in San Francisco Bay; and to make presentations at city council meetings (sewer discharge simulation, etc.) and at a hearing before the United States Congress. SeaDrift was also used in a joint US-Canadian Coast Guard Search and Rescue mission.

·         Designed and implemented SeaDisplay, a multi-threaded, Carbon and Quartz based data visualization application to give users the ability to display information collected or computed (currents, waves, tsunami detection, uncertainties, distributions, etc.).

·         Designed and implemented SpectraPlotter, an application to let users visualize SeaSonde radar data and its quality.

·         Designed and implemented SeaStar, a Quartz based 2D graphics rendering engine used in applications like SeaDrift, SeaDisplay, SpectraPlotter, etc. Used multiple design patterns and STL.

·         Designed and implemented GapFinder, an application to help users monitor data quality and find missing information.

·         Ported various applications to the OS X framework and from PowerPC to Intel processors.

·         Implemented C++ code used in ship detection program.

·         Modified Matlab code used in ship detection program.

·         Updated and improved various Matlab UI based applications like SeaTides (tidal analysis) and Bathymetry.


Contractor – Various clients                                                                                        2003‑Present

Software Engineer

·         Designed and implemented a great circle computation application in Java for Android and in C# for Windows.

·         Designed and implemented a Tool Inventory Management web application using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Dojo. Currently developing the .Net version using C#.

·         Designed and implemented a mailing list manager in Java with the user interface written in Swing.

·         Implemented a low-level DNS tool in Java (used by the mailing list manager).

·         Designed and implemented various web applications (mini-blog, user manager, announcement manager, captcha, etc.) using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Dojo.

·         Designed and implemented a web guestbook application using Perl, HTML and CSS.

·         Wrote various Visual Basic macros for Excel.

Schlumberger Austin Product Center  -  Austin, Texas                                                   1998‑2002

Software Engineer

Designed and developed software for GeoFrame, a suite of applications covering all aspects of the exploration and production of oil.

·         Led the graphics port of GeoFrame to Linux.

·         Led the upgrade of GeoFrame to Motif 2.1.

·         Improved the 2D graphics kernel and data visualization applications for GeoFrame.

·         Conceived and implemented new algorithms for color reduction in geological images.

·         Improved performance of algorithms for color reduction in generic images.

·         Conducted usability studies and designed GUIs resulting in greater customer satisfaction (Marker manager panel, color selection panel), which were critical to several contracts.

·         Updated the GeoFrame graphics kernel to integrate a third-party package (Carnac) and supported developers using Carnac in their applications.

·         Ported applications to Windows.

·         Coached new employees.

Schlumberger Clamart Product Center  -  Clamart, France                                                    1998

Software Engineer

·         Improved geology applications for GeoFrame.

French Army  -  Baden-Baden, Germany                                                                                  1997

Military Obligations

·         Improved an Access database managing the personnel and activities of the regiment.

·         Received the French National Defense Medal for job excellence.

University of Texas at Austin  -  Austin, Texas                                                                1995‑1996

Head Teaching Assistant for Microprocessor Programming, ECE Department

Softissimo  -  Paris, France                                                                                                        1994

Software Engineer

·         Designed and developed Lexibase for Windows, a program to create and consult multimedia dictionaries, using MFC and ObjectWindows.

·         Implemented algorithms for fast access in dictionaries, data compression, image filtering.


Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering                                                     1996

Master’s Thesis: Wave propagation in elliptical waveguides.

The University of Texas --- Austin, Texas

Engineering Degree                                                                                                                    1995

Ecole Centrale de Lille --- Lille, France